If you’ve been in the real estate industry for any amount of time, there is a chance that you will go through a legal dispute. When a real estate dispute happens, it may be tempting to fight against said disputes aggressively. While it isn’t necessarily a bad thing to fight back against a dispute, it is important that you don’t find yourself blinded by the idea of winning. If you are facing a legal dispute, your first step should be to discuss your options with a real estate lawyer. You may find that aggressive disputes aren’t necessary.
Resolution Can Avoid Litigation
When there is a dispute, the court system can help resolve it. The two sides of the dispute explain their version of events and the judge or jury can rule on who they believe deserves justice. This does not mean, however, that all verdicts will have a clear winner. Sometimes, the verdicts can be split. Even after the court comes to a verdict, the other person may appeal it.
When you’re in the middle of a real estate dispute, you can try alternative dispute resolution. This involves both parties sitting down to negotiate. This can be beneficial because the cost of litigation is high and there is no guarantee that you will win the case.
Resolution Is Not a Failure
Some may believe that negotiations and resolution before litigation is a failure or a concession to the other party. This is not the case. It is often smarter to think about resolving the issue outside of litigation because it is more cost-effective and does not take as much time. Your resolution should benefit both parties. It is not about winning as much as it is about settling a dispute and finding common ground with the other person. When you resolve a dispute privately, you don’t have to worry about the public court case. You can have confidentiality and more control over the outcome than you would have if you were in front of a jury.
To resolve your real estate dispute outside of the court does not mean that you don’t have to have a lawyer. Your lawyer can still help you work out the terms of your negotiation and can even help with the resolution process.